With the increased popularity of online shopping and rising costs of everyday living, Ballston Animal Hospital respects our clients’ choice to search for the best possible price on pet supplies and medications.
Online Pharmacy Information
It is important to know that many medications have strict storage and transportation requirements. Most drug manufacturers will not supply the majority of internet pharmacies or pet stores so the source of the medications found online is questionable. In addition, manufacturer medication guarantees are not honored if products are purchased from an unauthorized source. Please understand that it is not our intention to discourage clients from purchasing medications elsewhere, but simply to educate them about reputable online pharmacies that offer safe products at competitive prices.
The two companies we do recommend are USDA licensed and are supplied by the same manufacturers that provide us with our medications. You may visit their websites at www.vetsfirstchoice.com or www.vetsource.com. The Online Store link on our website is linked to VetsFirstChoice. We can also pre-approve your prescription online during your visit.
After registering for an account and listing Ballston Animal Hospital as your veterinary office, you will be able to order medications, diets (prescription and non-prescription), and many other supplies (treats, toys, etc.) which will be shipped right to your door. Anytime an order is placed for prescription items from these 2 sites, our staff receives an email which allows us to start the approval process immediately (no more faxes lost in transmission!). The approval process may take 24-48 hours so please give us a call if there is an urgent need for your pet’s prescription and we can expedite the process for you.
For more information about online pharmacies, you may find the FDA regulations on online pharmacies at http://www.fda.gov/
Thank you for your ongoing trust in our services, and if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call 703-528-2776 or email us staff@ballstonanimalhospital.com.